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4 Infographic ‘s to Jump-Start Your Success (Pt. 1)

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These days in business and marketing, there is nothing sexier than the cocksure full-paletted appeal of the INFOGRAPHIC. I mean, how else would we be able to make sense of the world if not delivered in colorful comic strips of vertical proportions? How dare anyone ask more of our attention spans. With that decree, I proudly pass along to you four such graphical splendors (via 2 articles) that will jump-start your daily and long term success!

Where others have wasted entire articles laboring over a single message, I’m giving you 4x the love with the compilation below, albeit spread out via two articles. So technically, I’m only giving you double the love. But I’m doing it twice. And the article title sounds better with the number 4, so deal with it. If you’d like to dive in to one area particular, links to the source material are provided. Otherwise, get your ‘scrolling’ on cause these data-strations got depth.


1.) The ‘Perfect LinkedIn Profile’ Infographic

Make sure you are presenting yourself professionally the right way with this how-to for LinkedIn profile pimping. In between profound kernels of wisdom like “use your professional name” and “make sure your profile is public,” this graphic shares insight on key advantages such as how valuable your ‘endorsements‘ are for hiring companies and peak times to post and interact with the community. Dig in a little deeper and let this pictorial shore up any rough edges of your current profile. Check out the original article on Medium and follow the author Cent Muruganandam at https://yourescapefrom9to5.com/


LinkedIn Infographic


2.) The ‘Dealing With Difficult Employees” Infographic

Nobody likes difficult co-workers. Even difficult co-workers don’t like difficult co-workers. But regardless, they still show up every freakin’ day torturing the rest of us model employees with their negativity and preferred ‘work-style.’ This graphic is geared towards managers but even you’re not a supervisor, reviewing the ‘solutions‘ section of each persona profile offers insight to how and why certain people tick. If you work with a difficult employee, and we all do, this one is worth your attention. Originally produced by TowerGate Insurance and featured by Matthew Kosinski of Recruiter.com.


Toxic Employees Infographic


Stay tuned for “4 Infographics to Jump-Start Your Success (Pt 2.)”coming in next week’s article. We’ll take a look at performance hacks and also how to set up your workspace for kick-ass productivity! To stay up to date

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