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Your DAILY REVOLT to Success!

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Finally a career advice book with careerpunk sensibilities! Today we announce the launch of our crowdfunding campaign for the “DAILY REVOLT: 50 Simple Ways To Kick Ass At Work And In Life.”

And a SPECIAL exclusive to CareerPunk readers only, enjoy never-seen-before artwork from the book! Not even the Kickstarter page is giving this up!

But first…

We need your help making this dream a reality!

careerpunk daily revolt on kickstarter

If you or someone you know is ready to kick ass at work and get that promotion, this book is for you. DAILY REVOLT is raw, sarcastic, and to the point. With Step-by-step explanations, call-to-actions, and original artwork throughout.

Imagine an airplane safety manual, but for your career. Without the safety. And on acid. 

It’s time to get the word out! So please leverage all those networking connections and help make Daily Revolt a reality! There are lots of ways to support. In addition to becoming a backer, sharing the news via social media will be a big help.

Here are some easy posts you can copy & paste:


Not your typical career advice book. @CareerPunk launches #kickstartercampaign to inspire, insult, and invigorate your appetite for success. Learn to quickly get promoted with DAILY REVOLT: 50 Simple Ways to Kick Ass At Work And In Life.

DONATE, SHARE, & FOLLOW on social media! EVERY $1 COUNTS!!
#careerpunk #kickstarter #dailyrevolt #career #advice #crowdfunding


@CareerPunk seeks to demystify the promotion path with @Kickstarter book project the DAILY REVOLT. Pledge: https://bit.ly/2OSmYMj


How do you get promoted at work? @CareerPunk just answered with the DAILY REVOLT, a loud and proud, raucous playbook to promotion. With your support on @Kickstarter, they can make it a reality! Every donation helps!
#careerpunk #dailyrevolt #kickstarter #career #success

And now…

On to the artwork! The entire book is filled with vibrant and engaging imagery created by the talented Bladimir Zenteno. Check out these exclusive illustrations and designs from the book, Daily Revolt below.

And there’s so much more!

I’ll be sharing updates as the campaign progresses. Thanks for your ongoing support and don’t forget to share via social media!

careerpunk daily revolt on kickstarter

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