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6 Must-Follow Women for Career Advice on Twitter

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These days there is no shortage of noise when it comes to finding career advice on the internet. Sure, there are tons of resources to explore but quantity does not translate into quality. Not every source will be applicable to your specific goals, situation, or challenges. And even when such a criterion is found, there’s no guarantee it will resonate! Finding a voice that speaks to you, should be just as important and finding the right info.

In this post, I’ve included 6 women you should definitely check out on Twitter (and beyond) for career advice and development. Check out their page and site, and if the temp is right, follow online. They are successful, strong, with independent voices and a proven record of passion for their content and audience. In no particular order they are Jen Dziura, Marianne Cantwell, Hannah Morgan, Ashley Stahl, JT O’Donnell, and Chelsea Krost. Let’s get to know them all a bit better.


1. Jen Dzuira – Get Bullish

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Sing loud, sing proud! Jen’s ‘Get Bullish’ brand touts itself (and delivers) as ‘Aggressive Lady-Advice.’ With feminist roots and justice-minded overtones, this no-bullshit blog and community provides ample advice and perspective on how to best get things done while being proactive and accountable. If you’re looking for ‘The Secret”-style inspiration you best keep moving. Get Bullish puts responsibility in your own hands and reminds that you never have to settle for what you’re given over what you want. Sarcasm is a perfected tool in Jen’s commentary which covers topics from bad bosses, co-worker interactions, negotiating tips, side hustles, and more. While the typical demographic for Get Bullish seems to be other women in the workforce, the insight and unique viewpoint is educational and sometimes eye-opening for all genders. This is the careerpunk mentality at its finest. Plus there’s a Bullicorn logo!

Twitter:  @getbullish

Website:  GetBullish.comBullishSociety.com


2. Marianne Cantwell – Free Range Humans

Related imageWith a name like Free Range Humans, how can you not be intrigued? In Marianne’s blogs, she shares her experience in creating (not finding) her perfect-fit job. In fact, “job” might as well be a swear word in this context. So many people, the world over, are unhappy with how they spend their daily, 9-5 hours. Work has become a necessity and means to an end, instead of a fulfilling, inspiring contribution to one’s well being (as it should be). Free Range Humans dissects the talents and interests of individuals and reassembles them into powerful insights that can redefine your direction and worth, ultimately leading to an inspired and satisfying career.  I love her quote, “We’re going… past the ‘follow the leader’ formulas that tell you you have to be a version of someone else in order to be good enough,” which fully encapsulates the careerpunk essence.  Additionally she has a great TEDx Talk about how not fitting in, can be your empowering factor, found here.

Twitter:  @freerangehumans

Website:  MarianneCantwell.comFree-Range-Humans.com


3. Hannah Morgan – Career Sherpa

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Hannah’s background in Workforce Development, HR, and Career Services has given her a keen view of the job space and how to best navigate the rapids of job hunting and getting hired. Whether you are looking for a new position or want to stay current in the face of opportunity, CareerSherpa’s tips can give you the edge. Focusing on personal branding, online visibility, and effective resume strategies, Hannah’s content provides job seekers the leverage and empowerment that is so easily forgotten and overlooked. She’s also the author “The Infographic Resume” which outlines how one can stand out from the competition, keep the hiring manager’s attention, and land the job you desire. She goes one step further on Twitter by delivering career-centric articles from around the web, too. Hannah also designates herself as an ‘unapologetic introvert,’ which goes to show that you don’t have to fit the mould to be successful; the mantra of being a careerpunk.

Twitter:  @careersherpa

Website:  CareerSherpa.net


4. Ashley Stahl – Ashley International

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Not too often do you find someone insanely passionate about job-hunting. For most of us, the endless searching, countless resume revisions, apply process, and interviewing is the most anxiety-inducing part of one’s career efforts. But not for Ashley. Ashley discovered, not only was she good at all these things, but she enjoyed them more than doing the actual job itself! That’s why Ashley Stahl is a great resource for anyone on the job hunt. I especially recommend this source for anyone thinking about or are in the midst of changing careers. Ashley herself did just that in dramatic fashion by leaving her well-earned and comfy job with the Pentagon (yes the D.C. one) to follow her passion coaching others through the challenging scary process of landing their dream job. Her Twitter delivers relevant curated content with insight on how she got the courage to wave her “freak flag and fully own it.” Way to be a careerpunk, Ashley!

Twitter:  @ashleystahl

Website:  AshleyInternational.com


5. J.T. O’Donnell – Work It Daily

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Formerly CareerRealism, Work It Daily is not your typical ‘career coach’ in that it offers an online (paid) platform of virtual career support, prep and development courses, and a private community to ensure you are getting the most satisfaction out of your employment. J.T. has over 18 years of experience and has created 200+ presentations on various career topics for professionals in many industries. Her Twitter feed delivers tactical insights for successfully maneuvering through the hiring process and staying relevant with recruiters. She also only posts when she has something valuable to share, so don’t worry about your feed being needlessly overwhelmed by a follow!

Twitter:  @jtodonnell

Website:  WorkItDaily.com


6. Chelsea Krost – Chelsea Krost

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Last but certainly not least, Chelsea Krost is the real #millennial deal. She’s a popular speaker, influencer, coach, marketer, author, and even LinkedIn Instructor. If you are in the Millennial category than this is your honey pot. From inspirational quotes to vlog shares to her hosted #millenialtalk twitter chats, there’s always something of interest to follow. Chelsea Krost walks the talk, giving real life experiences of her young entrepreneurial successes. She even started her own radio talk show at 16 years old! So keep yourself in the know. Aligning your awareness with her endeavors will certainly elevate your own ambition and motivation.

Twitter:  @chelseakrost

Website:  ChelseaKrost.com

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Comments to 6 Must-Follow Women for Career Advice on Twitter

  • Thanks for listing me along with these talented women! I’m truly honored!

    Hannah Morgan June 3, 2018 11:47 pm Reply

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