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4 Infographics to Jump-Start Your Success (Pt. 2)

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Welcome back to part 2 of our infographics series. And see here for PART 1 if you missed it! As previously discussed, INFOGRAPHICS reign supreme (or at least have the most initial ‘curbside’ appeal) within the realm of corporate communication. In fact, next time your boss asks you for an update on your work, send him some kickass self-made infographics to summarize and watch the stars fill his eyes as he/she looks upon you in admiration.  Check out these free options if you want to get started.

In the meantime we’re going to look at two more infographics that will further jump-start your success both personally and professionally.


3. The Workspace Hack Infographic

Assimilate your mind, body, and work ethic with this infographic that provides simple insight to quickly adjust your work space for optimal productivity. From your posture, to desk organization, mood stimulation, and ergonomic designs, the tips within will easily transform your work days from bland office droning into an inspiring positive and creative atmosphere. Dig it.


Desk Infographics



4. The Productive AF Infographic

This top 10 list serves it’s purpose with all the things you’re doing wrong. That’s right, if there’s not at least one item that doesn’t apply to you in the below infographic, please email me right away so I can interview you for a guest post! We’re all susceptible to these bad habits and the poster below makes it easy to identify. What I like about this entry is that the authors don’t simply call out your flaws, they also add in a solution to correct the behavior. Also, who doesn’t like laughing at a stressed-out cartoon gingerbread man as he tragically struggles for perfection?


Habits-that-Kill-Productivity Infographics


Don’t forget to read “4 Infographics to Jump-Start Your Success (Pt. 1)” if you haven’t already. And get my free guide when you sign up for our Newsletter Underground (link below)!

5 Things You Can Say To Your Boss Tomorrow To GET NOTICED!”



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