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Affirmation: Focused At Work

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Vocalized self-reinforcement is a powerful tool, as is reflecting on how to action it. Kickstart your day/week/year by leveraging the power of positive thought and reprogram your brain for success with the following affirmation and questions.

“I see my work as a key aspect of my life and financial success. Therefore, I take every step to focus my attention on job-related tasks and projects while at work. I make it a point and a priority to be educated and skillful in all facets of my work. 

My work ethic is strong, and I strive to be the best employee. This requires me to put all of my energy into my work while I am there.

Today, I know I can remain focused while at work.

Many monetary and personal rewards are provided to me because of my ability to put all my energy into my job.

For me to be successful, I look to do the following:

  • Get to sleep at a reasonable hour,
  • Eat a decent breakfast (diet), and
  • Be on time for work

My work ethic and ability to produce good quality work are testaments to my commitment to focusing at the office.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Why is it important to remain focused at work?
  2. What kinds of things keep me from concentrating at the office?
  3. How can I strengthen my focus at work?

Stress management is a key factor in maintaining a balance in life. By eliminating personal negativity you can avoid self-fulfilling prophecies that prevent the positive change you seek. These basic concepts of affirmative thinking can empower you to conquer self-sabotaging behaviors before they begin. Effective examples include reducing stress, strengthening resolve, calming or focusing one’s mind, enhancing one’s self-esteem, or even improving productivity. Regularly participating in positive affirmational habits are a proven way to program your brain for successful results.

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